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Welcome to the RKB Explorer Home Page, part of the ReSIST "Network of Excellence".

Here you will find resources on academic research that can be accessed using Semantic Web standards. You will also find an application, RKB Explorer, which presents a unified view of all these resources, mediated by an ontology.

If you want to see some academic papers about this, for example look at A Knowledge Driven Infrastructure for Linked Data Providers and ReSIST Project Deliverable D10: Prototype knowledge base.

Below can be found links to sources we have gathered from the places indicated.

The RDF is presented in accordance with the AKT Reference Ontology, with some small additions.

Each resource has a different domain, to make it easy to use, and emphasising the fact that these are in fact separate knowledge bases.

For each resource, you can access it in the following ways:

We currently have the following:

Here are some randomish URIs:

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